chrono Tutorial

chrono is a pretty small & simple library. It leverages the context manager support added in Python 2.6+ (backported to Python 2.5 via __future__). It also works on Python 3.3+ (all examples below are written using Py3).

It provides a simple context manager that you wrap around the code you want to time.

Getting Started

For example, let’s say you want to time your awesome Fibonacci function & you want to make sure it’s efficient. Your code might look something like...:

def fib(n):
    if n in (0, 1):
        return n
        return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

To time it using chrono, you’d call it in the following way...:

from chrono import Timer

with Timer() as timed:

print("Seconds taken: {0}".format(timed.elapsed))

If everything’s setup right, you should get something like the following as output:

Seconds taken: 0.000102996826172

Unfortunately, unless you pass a very large number to fib, the time taken is going to be very low & you’re not going to get a good sample. If only we could run that function with small values but do it a bunch of times...


This is where the context manager approach shines. Rather than having to write a wrapper function or similar (like you have to do with the timeit module), you simply need to alter your benchmarking code to use a loop...:

from chrono import Timer

with Timer() as timed:
    for i in range(100):

print("Seconds taken: {0}".format(timed.elapsed))

Now I get this as output:

# Lots of "55"s, then...
Seconds taken: 0.0073549747467

Much better. Now things like CPU context switches & kernel scheduling will have less of an impact on our benchmark. It’s still not perfect (things like averages would help some), but it’s an improvement & it was easy.


When invoked with the with Timer() as ...: statement, you get back the Timer instance. It’s a simple object with a couple of useful properties.

`` elapsed``
After the context manager is complete, the time differential is calculated & stored for later reference. This is a floating point number in seconds.
The time (in a floating point Unix timestamp) of when the context manager started.
The time (in a floating point Unix timestamp) of when the context manager completed.
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